Career Development With Clear Roles For Everyone

PILOT’s award-winning program is structured around individual reflection, manager feedback, executive mentorship, and live group coaching sessions.

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Award-winning career development delivered virtually through a structured program. 



Accessible on any device, anywhere employees can get online, regardless of work location.



Able to be launched quickly, without the involvement of your IT department.

PILOT is proud to have the trust of customers like:

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Retain Top Talent

PILOT’s award-winning software helps HR leaders move quickly to offer meaningful employee development to retain top talent.


Generate Employee Excitement

PILOT’s structured program eliminates the guess-work and addresses key onboarding challenges by creating a co-branded website that will make all employees excited to participate.

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Level The Playing Field

In just six months, PILOT will transform relationships, boost morale, and create a level playing field for employees at every stage of their career -- from all demographics.


Unlock Your Staff’s Potential

Participating in PILOT will unlock your staff’s potential to create a long-term place for themselves in your organization.

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Simple Career Development

Only PILOT offers simple career development software that puts your workforce in charge of their own careers.


PILOT’s impact by the numbers

Every day thousands of employees and managers use PILOT. Below are just a few examples
of how PILOT is having an impact for our customers.


action-oriented brainstorming
activities delivered to employees


feedback prompts delivered
to managers


total development hours delivered
to all participants

SouthWest Water Company Case Study

  • What challenges were you facing that drove you to seek out a career development tool?

  • What was the process like getting started with PILOT?

  • How has PILOT been going, what kind of feedback are you getting?

  • How did you go about getting manager buy-in and participation for this program?

  • And more…

PILOT is award-winning


It’s time for simple and effective career development